Purple Mail by Yoojin

by - 5:19 PM

Comme vous pouvez le voir, ma boîte aux lettres continue d'être une boîte aux merveilles. Cette fois-ci je vous présente un courrier envoyé par Yoojin. Elle a composé une jolie sélection de papiers dans des roses, des mauves et des violets et elle a réalisé des pliages d'origami :  un mini livre et une grue porte-bonheur, que je vais conserver précieusement ♥
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As you can see, my mailbox continues to be a wonder box. This time I present to you a mail sent by Yoojin. She has composed a lovely selection of papers in pinks, mauves and purples, and made two folding of origami: a mini book and a lucky crane ♥


J'ai été très impressionnée par le pliage qui permet de réaliser un mini book, je n'en avais jamais vu jusqu'à présent...  et si comme moi, vous vous demander comment en réaliser un vous-même voici 2 liens qui en font une présentation :

Encore merci Yoojin pour ce joli courrier !

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I was very impressed by the folding that allows to create a mini book, I had never seen it until now... and if like me, you ask how to make one yourself here are 2 links that make a presentation:

Thanks again Yoojin for this beautiful snail mail !

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  1. What a lovely package! I love the little origami book idea. :)

  2. Everything is so cute.
    Love the colors... and the little book!

  3. Jen (Gracie) Dillard23 février 2013 à 13:01

    What a delicate collection of colors...I love the soft textures and combinations that form the collage.
    Thank you Celine for sharing and to Yoojin for creating this spring inspiring artwork!

  4. Its the details of our lives I think that in some respects make the impact. Its only once in a while the big picture matters. I loves these photos of the details.

  5. That's lovely! How a envy the mail project e the creative packages that you exchange with eacht other...
    Have a wonderful week!
    Le Paquet

  6. Love your images, Celine. Looking forward to connecting in Blog Boss in March! Holly

  7. Sewon ::: Yes this little book is very nice, it makes want to make origami !

    Cale ::: I like to create some mood boards with small papers that I get. Color inspires me always a lot !

    Jen (Gracie) Dillard :::
    Thanks, yes you are right, these soft colors give energy to create pretty things !

    Nadyasr ::: oui ces couleurs sont toutes en finesse et délicatesse, c'est très inspirant :)

    toko baju muslim :::
    It is true, the most important is often in the details !

    Rosa Paula ::: Thank you for your comment ! ( I think You can to surprise your friends or your family by sending them a small mail).

    Love, Thomas ~ Creative Interiors :::
    Thank you very much !
    I am sure that the experience will be very inspiring. I am also eager to start !

  8. Thanks again for the lovely post, Celine! And thanks for presenting my mails in such a beautiful way! <3
