
by - 1:13 PM

Depuis le début de l'année, j'ai vraiment envie et besoin de nouveautés, de prendre un nouveau départ pour encore mieux créer. Et si je suis un peu absente ici sur le devant de la scène, je suis en revanche très active en coulisses, car j'ai très envie de réinventer mon blog, de passer à une nouvelle étape plus professionnelle.

::: :: image by Holly Becker :: :::

Un renouveau dicté par l'envie d'avancer plus précisément sur mon chemin, de transformer mes rêves en réalité.  C'est dans cet état d'esprit que fin février, j'ai eu la chance de gagner une place pour participer à des cours en ligne animés par Holly Becker et ses collaborateurs - Irene Hoofs - Stefanie Luxat - Thorsten Becker.
Je sais que c'est une vraie chance de pouvoir bénéficier de leurs expériences et de leurs conseils. D'ailleurs, les cours ont commencés le 1er mars et je ressens déjà leur impact positif.

Je vais donc au cours des semaines qui viennent améliorer la présentation (et le mode de fonctionnement) de mon blog. C'est très excitant, c'est un peu comme abattre des cloisons pour réinventer une vielle maison, en redéfinir tout l'espace pour y mettre son empreinte, son style et en faire un lieu chaleureux et accueillant...  et vraiment je suis heureuse de savoir que vous êtes là pour assister à cette transformation.

 Et vous comment aimez-vous bloguer, comment évolue votre pratique des blogs ?
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 ::: :: image by Holly Becker :: :::

Since the beginning of the year, I really want and need for new, to get a new start for even better create. And if I'm a little absent here on the front of the stage, on the other hand, I'm very active behind the scenes, because I really want to reinvent my blog to a more professional mood.

A revival driven by the desire to advance specifically on my way to turn my dreams into reality. It is in this spirit that in late February, I had the chance to win a place to participate in online courses Blogging your Way created by Holly Becker and her collaborators
- Irene Hoofs - Stefanie Luxat - Thorsten Becker.  
I know that this is a real chance to benefit from their experiences and their advices. Moreover, the course started on 1st March and I already feel their positive impact.

So, I go during the weeks which come to work for  improve the presentation and the functionning of my blog. It is very exciting, that is as break down dividing walls for reinventing  an old house, redefine all the space for put it his imprint, its style and create a warm and welcoming place, and really I am happy to know that you're there to witness this transformation. 

 And you how do you like blogging, how changing your practice of blogging ?

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  1. Hello Celine,

    I give a comment in your last post at the same time you´ve posted this one here. :-)
    I am one of your Classmates in the course and so happy to found your blog while blogrolling. You make such beautiful things that I want to stay here the rest of the day to read, to see, to wonder, but unfortunately I have to bring my little one to his football training soon.

    But this evening I want to come back and take a time-out while being inspired with all the things you do.

    Thanks a lot!


  2. noz ! ::: Hello Katja,
    Thank you very much for this very nice comment, inspiration is a good way to irrigate our creativity and I am really happy to participate in this emulation. I think that sharing is a good way to move forward.
    You are welcome to my world :)

  3. Hi Celine!

    I like the feeling in your blog and I'm very interested how you are going to make changes. And I like the idea of snail mail. I get so sadly few postcards or letters nowadays. I knew your blog before byw but it's fun to see you are also in there! I made changes in my blog in end of Feb also. It was time to do it. See you!


  4. Hi Celine, cannot wait to see the changes!! As a fan of your blog, i'm sure it will be an amazing year for you with lots and lots of eye candy and inspirational projects!!

  5. Celine, you are so going to enjoy it. I took the very first BYW course several years ago now. It will be fun to see as your blog morphs into another creative sphere as you learn from Holly and her posse. Good luck!

  6. Jen (Gracie) Dillard12 mars 2013 à 19:18

    Hi Celine, I am so happy for you.
    I am anxious to see your lovely creations presented as you delicately display them with precise thought and clarity. Thank you for your inspiration as your creations bring happiness to my world!

  7. Una gran oportunidad sin duda, felicitaciones, disfrútalo y exprímelo.

  8. Kreetta :::
    Hi kreetta !
    I like the changes that you made in your blog.
    I am going to try to apply the tips of Holly for a more precise navigation and to make a page of presentation/mini bio, but I am going to stay in my style "clean" style, as a blank page of notebook to write its thoughts or scrawl ideas and stick images with mmasking tape.
    Yes ! snail mail is a good way of reinventing the links, the exchanges and its own creativity.
    See you !

    Sofia ::: Thank you, your comment encouraged me and makes me very happy. I think that I am first and foremost a "visual maker " and I really like to create an atmosphere using images and colors.

    Margie ::: Hi margie! Oh yes, it is very exciting and there will be changes and I am very happy, this is exactly what I needed, this surprise came at the right time! I am also somehow eager to see how my creativity will work under a more professional corner. Thank you for your comment !

    Jen (Gracie) Dillard ::: Hi jen ! thank you very much for your comment, it's nice to share with others who love also paper and the poetry of this material, that is what I try to do here, to photograph and create by leaving the paper being the main actor.

    Yeka ::: Gracias, sí es una gran oportunidad y complace participar en este curso.
    Te deseo un hermoso día !

  9. Tu blog ahora mismo me encnata, asíq ue después me imagino que será espectacular!! Besitos!!!

  10. Hello! I came here to check out your beautiful blog and I found out that we are taking the same class! I'm enjoying the classes so much! I'm dying to see what you come up with on your blog! I already love Bohème Circus so much!
    Have a wonderful day!

  11. Bonjour Céline!
    Just popping in from the BYW forum - so lovely to meet you!
    I have been a fan of your blog for a long time, tu es vraiment superbe!
    Un bisou,

  12. Wish you a wonderful time and good experiences in your course! I think it's a great opportunity to learn a lot and rethink what you've been doing since now.
    I'm very excited what you're going to change in your blog! I'm sure it'll be great! :) :)

  13. Bonjour Céline,
    J'ai aussi découvert ton blog via les cours d'Holly et j'aime beaucoup ton univers! Et puis, c'est gai de retrouver une francophone par ici :)
    Tes créations sont super jolies ; j'aime beaucoup la fraîcheur!
    Bonne continuation et peut-être à bientôt sur le forum! :)

  14. Le papier c'est aussi une grande histoire d'amour pour moi... Merci pour ces jolis partages...

  15. rosa verdosa :::Muchas gracias, voy a intentar mantener mi estilo. Y también para encontrar un nuevo impulso para empezar un nuevo capítulo ! Besitos :)

    Rosa Paula :::
    Thank you very much Rosa! BWY is a great opportunity, it's fantastic to be able to think about our way to blogging, this gives us the energy to improve what we already do and discover new paths !
    I wish you a creative day :)

    Nancy Comelab ::: Thanks Nancy for this very nice comment! BWY is a good way to meet new bloggers, I'm glad to see you here :)

    yoojin ::: Thank you soooo much for this encouragement, you are right that is also a way to measure the progress made and to imagine what can be done now !

    Musa ::: Merci et bienvenue par ici ! Oui c'est vrai que nous, petites francpophones, sommes en minorité... Mais c'est agréable de découvrir une multitude d'univers, (même s'il faut en passer par un peu de traduction parfois)!

    Aurélie ::: mais de rien, c'est un plaisir :) Je pense vraiment que le papier est une source d'inspiration inépuisable, chacun peut y exprimer sa personnalité !

  16. Bonjour,
    Je découvre ton blog, et un seul mot Bravo.
    Un peu en retard mais je decouvre le post sur les cours.
    Je suis loin d'être bilingue comme toi, mais très intéressée; Crois tu que je puisse m'en sortir quand même ou connais tu ce genre de cours online en français ou italien ?
    Ces cours avec le recul ont ils été bénéfiques et instructifs ?
    Merci pour ta réponse.
