Minä Perhonen

by - 9:05 AM

Minä Perhonen est une marque née de l’amour d’un designer japonais pour la culture finlandaise.
En finnois, "Minä" signifie "je" et "Perhonen" "papillon", et voila comment le souhait de créer des vêtements aussi beaux que les ailes d’un papillon devient réalité ! C'est pourquoi chez Minä Perhonen, on prend le temps de rêver. Chaque pièce est le résultat d’un processus artisanal allant du croquis au prototype. Et tout comme il existe une multitude de papillons (et même si la marque se consacre avant tout à des collections de vêtements), Minä Perhonen aime voyager sur différents supports, comme le papier, en créant par exemple des designs pour du masking tape ou bien de jolies lettres-enveloppes à plier soi-même comme the moon letter.
Un univers très inspirant qui me donne envie de créer de jolis motifs dans les pages de mes carnets, d'élaborer des collections imaginaires, de jouer avec les couleurs en me prenant au jeu comme-ci j'étais une designer textile !
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"minä perhonen is a fashion brand working to produce clothes which do not lose their allure through lapse of time. The design process begins with sketches, which are made into their original fabrics. Also, they aspire to develop new materials and techniques with production centers of home and abroad. The name of the brand originates in Finnish as the designer sympathized with the lifestyle and the culture of FINLAND; he has traveled many times through northern European countries. "minä" means "I" and "perhonen" is "butterfly," with a wish to make many beautiful designs like those of butterflies' wings. The brand logo signifies "various characters (dots) within oneself (rectangle shape)." Just like the species of butterflies are countless, the designs too continue to increase."

   And just as there are a multitude of butterflies (and even if the brand is dedicated first and foremost to collections of clothing), Minä Perhonen likes to travel on different media, such as paper, for example by creating designs for masking tape or pretty envelopes to fold yourself like the moon letter.

A very inspiring universe that gives me want to create beautiful patterns in the pages of my visual journals, develop imaginary collections by playing with the lines and the colors! Dreaming maybe I'm a designer textile....!

 All images are from the Minä Perhonen website Minä Perhonen ::: moon letter

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  1. Minä Perhonen rocks! I remember when I found it for the first time I was very impressed! So cool and stylish... and the name, yeah it is Finnish. Yay!

  2. Wow I love the envelopes "moon Letters," they are so cool.

  3. Kreetta ::: I like the poetry of this brand, and I like the way minimalist to tell a story with their choice of pictures. This japan-finland mix is very inspirational !

    Kelly Zarb ::: Hello Kelly, welcome here ! Yes the name, the folding and the patterns are so beautiful !
