Spring colors
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How to find the light of the spring, when the weather report is not there? Plunge into its collections of papers, open its boxes of watercolors, dream about bloomings, about smells of grass freshly cut and try to transform the greyness into blue sky.
Rechercher la douceur d'une lumière pour traduire la fragilité d'une saison qui renaît.
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Play with the colors in the pages of my visual journals, between patterns research and studies of shades. To search the softness of light to tell the fragility of a season that is reborn.
Et chez vous, le printemps est-il enfin arrivé ?
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To create my pages, I like to mix several techniques, freehand drawing, paper scraps that I add by collages. Acrylic paint that I cover with penciling of pastels. I like combine and mix together several items, to tell the better, the story that I want to share; and this gives me the opportunity to explore different media at the same time.
And for you in your region, spring is finally arrived?.
très printanier, j'adore!
RépondreSupprimerBeautiful colours!
RépondreSupprimerWe (here in the UK) had some spring yesterday, now we are back to the usual beautiful grey sky ; )
Beata x
Oui, le printemps est arrivé! En tout cas aujourd'hui c'était une vraie belle journée ensoleillée. J'adore tes fleurs crayonnées.
RépondreSupprimerTrès belle réussite :o)
RépondreSupprimerHere Spring is everywhere,a lot of sun and warmth...Hope it gets there soon!
RépondreSupprimerliliescrap ::: Merci :)
RépondreSupprimerah ! comme j'ai hâte que le printemps soit là pour de bon...
Beata ::: Today the sky is grey here too... not easy to take pictures in natural light. But gray also has beautiful shades that can be studied in our notebooks ;)
La Tulipe ::: merci ! plus le trait est libre, plus le crayonné est vivant !
Nathalie ::: le printemps et la nature sont toujours une belle source d'inspiration !
querido diário ::: Here the winter does not want to go.... I wish you another beautiful sunny days :)
I just found here and I'm so glad I did. Your blog is so full of beauty and lovely colors! Makes me want to start stocking up on pretty papers :)
RépondreSupprimerJutta ::: Hello & welcome ! Thank you very much, I'm happy that my pictures give you the idea of collecting paper, it is a so beautiful material with which it is possible to create so many thing !